Monday 1 March 2010

Breaded Heaven

For most Poteños and Argentineans for that matter, milanesa is one of their staple meals, like lomito it can be eaten many times a week and believe me some do.
To anyone who has no idea what a milanesa is, it’s basically a piece of pounded beef, veal or sometimes chicken. This has a dusting of flour, then dunked in some beaten egg, and finally coated in breadcrumbs. This is either fried in a little oil, or a lot depending on the restaurant, or cooked in a very hot oven in an oiled tray. In Europe it’s known as an escalope or schnitzel. I used to eat a lot of the chicken variety in my days on the Kibbutz in Israel.
You can find milanesa in nearly every restaurant in Argentina. In some places it comes just like this, or maybe they will add a splash of tomato sauce, some cheese and ham and then pop into an oven to melt the cheese. This is known as a Napolitana. There are a variety of other sauces to have with it. Milanesa is normally served with French fries or mashed potatoes.
You can also have it in a sandwich, which is really good, as a snack. Or as normally the portion size is huge it counts as a meal. It’s breaded heaven. 

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