Monday 12 July 2010

A Working Trip

After several months of mulling around Islington doing nothing, I finally got a job. Yeahhhhh…. I decided not to go back to cheffing and I am back in travel. Well it pays more and the hours are much better than being a chef. Unbelievable but yes it’s true.
Before I actually begin working though, I am being forced to go on a 10 week working trip through Oman, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Burma. This is all being paid for by my new company. I know. This never happens in the travel industry.
So as I am writing this from Corbett National Park in northern India. No safari, just hotel visits.
This educational is for me to get acquainted with all the products that I am going to sell, plus as I am also going to see part of this trip through the eyes of our customers, so I will be able to know what is the best for them.
Now you might think this is all very well, and I am sitting in 5 star hotels, lounging around by the pool, being pampered by the hotels in their spa facilities.
Unfortunately not.  I wish it was like that, but it isn’t. Since arriving into Oman, and now India. I haven’t stopped. I’m doing 12 – 14 hour days. (So actually not that much difference from cheffing), but we are mainly sitting in a car being driven around from town to town, sight to sight, hotel to hotel. All very dull now.
This is a definite working holiday. Looking at my schedule, I am never in a city or town for more than 2 nights. Most are going to be one. Not a lot of time to do my laundry, or anything else. In the 3 weeks I have seen more than 70 hotels.
I was going to write this sooner but sleep always got the better of me. So I hope to write a few words on this trip and the food I’m eating and the places I’ve seen.
The first one will be on hosted lunches in Oman. All very exciting. Not. 

1 comment:

HungryinLondon said...

Congratulations to your new job! sounds interesting, even though it's a shame you don't get to see much of the countries you are visiting...
Oman must be boiling hot now I can imagine...